Personal details First name: Please provide your first name Last name: Please provide your surname Email: Date: Vague date mode: * Select the date of the record. For a date range enter as 'dd/mm/yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy' Recorder Name: * Enter the recorder's name, if different. Please enter all the species you saw at one site on a single day and any other information about them. Then move to the Where was it? tab before submitting your records.Step 1 {content} Male Female Adult Adult male Adult female Juvenile Juvenile male Juvenile female Breeding pair If a group contained mixed adults and juveniles, both male, female or unknown. Mixed group In flower Fruiting Egg Larva Nymph Spawn Pupa Exuviae Not recorded Other (please add to comments) Bat Breeding Roost Bat Detected Bat Grounded Bat Hibernacula Bat in hand Bat Roost Burrow Colony Dead Dead on road Dung or droppings Feeding remains Living organism Nest Other (please add to comments) Tracks or trail Not sensitive Blur to 100m Blur to 1km Blur to 2km Blur to 10km Blur to 100km Add photos Select a species first SpeciesPresentQuantityLife stage/SexRecord TypeIdentified ByCommentSensitivityPhotos Enter the species name using * as a wildcard, for example '* Beetle'. If your having trouble entering a species name, please see the Species Names Help page. For information about sensitivity please refer to the Sensitive Records page. Method: Auditory record Bat detector Camera trap Kick sample Light trap Net trap Trap Visual observation Please select the method used to collect the record. Habitat hierarchy: Agricultural land Coastal or Marine Garden, Hedge or Verge Grassland Heathland or Scrub Inland rock or Cave Inland water Urban or Industrial Wetland Woodland Other (please add to comments) Select a habitat type which best represents the area of your record. Location: Provide the name of the site. Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others. Enter a spatial reference: * British National GridWGS84 (decimal lat,long) Or search for a place on the map: Search Close the search results Or simply click on your rough position on the map, or zoom into the map to best represent the location of your record, a yellow square will highlight the grid reference you have selected.Loading...