Designation Information
A standard search can provide information about both statutory designations and non-statutory designations. A full list of all designations can be found below.
Designation information will be summarised in a corresponding letter and accompanied by designation maps prepared from definitive boundary information, supplied with site citation sheets and site summary sheets where available.
Designations available:
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
- Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
- Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC)
- Marine Conservation Zones
- recommended Marine Conservation Zones (rMCZ)
- National Nature Reserves (NNRs)
- Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
- Ramsar Sites
- Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)
- Country Parks
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- County Wildlife Sites (CWS)
- County Geology Sites (RIGS)
- Cornwall Wildlife Trust reserves
- National Trust Land Holdings
- RSPB Reserves
- Woodland Trust Reserves
- Voluntary marine conservation areas (VMCAs)
- Cornwall Roadside Verge Inventory
- Ancient Woodland Inventory for Cornwall
- Tree Preservation Orders
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