Local Recording Groups

Your Shore Conference 2018ERCCIS works closely with many groups and organisations in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, from local recording groups to nationally supported schemes, to maintain and increase recording effort in the county across a wide range of disciplines. 

Here you can find out more about recording groups in your area. 


Recorder Associations

CISFBR stands for the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation for Biological Recorders. A group of independent biologists, both plant and animal specialists who work to support Biological Recorders in Cornwall.

NFBR is the National Forum for Biological Recording is the independent voice of Biological Recording in the UK.


Flora and Fungi

Botanical Cornwall Group was formed in early 2002 by a group of Cornish botanists. The Group's primary purpose is to coordinate botanical recording within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Cornish Hedge Group was formed out of the Cornwall Biodiversity Initiative to bring together all those with an interest in Cornish Hedges. The Group is coordinated by Cornwall County Council and the Cornwall Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG).

Cornwall Bryophyte Group is an informal group associated to the British Bryological Society. It's open to everyone and aims to encourage they study of bryophytes and recording in Cornwall. Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend meetings; beginners are welcome as well as those experienced and confident at identifying bryophytes.

Cornwall Fungus Recording Group aims to record and document the distribution of fungi in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, promote the conservation of fungi associated habitats and encourage a greater awareness and understanding of fungal conservation issues in the wider community. Forays are arranged throughout the year at a variety of habitats and locations around the County. 



Cornwall Bat Group is a group of volunteers, professionals and Natural England licensed wardens but always welcome new members with any level of knowledge.

Cornwall Mammal Group was set up in 1999 and is affiliated to The Mammal Society. The Group shares the same aims of raising awareness and understanding of mammals; encouraging and supporting their recording; providing training to survey mammals; promoting conservation of mammals and their habitats and sharing interests and skills with others.

Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust is an evidence based conservation charity supporting a large network of active citizen scientists who routinely survey seals on their local patch in order to learn more about grey seals, a globally rare marine mammal for which the UK has a special legal responsibility to protect (JNCC).



Cornwall Bird-Watching and Preservation Society are dedicated to the study and conservation of birds in the county of Cornwall.

RSPB Kernow Local Group hold regular in-person talks, guided walks, engaging online presentations and other events specific to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 

Isles of Scilly Bird Group are dedicated to the study and conservation of birds in the Isles of Scilly.


Reptiles and Amphibians

Cornwall Reptile and Amphibian Group (CRAG) aims to increase awareness and action on behalf of Cornwall's reptiles (snakes and lizards) and amphibians (frogs, toads and newts).



Cornwall Butterfly Conservation is working to establish the present status of butterflies in Cornwall to improve the understanding of which species are increasing or are in decline.

Cornwall Butterfly and Moth Society is an independent group of butterfly and moth enthusiasts to manage conservation sites, carry out breeding studies and help preserve some of Cornwall’s most threatened wildlife. 



CWT Marine Strandings Network is the official recorder for all marine strandings in Cornwall. The Marine Strandings Network consists of a team of over 120 volunteers who record all reported strandings of organic organisms on Cornwall's coastline.

Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation Area encourage people to become more involved with the Helford marine environment and to work together to conserve it.

St Agnes Marine Conservation Group is entirely run by volunteers to promote the St Agnes Voluntary Marine Conservation Area and help everyone to enjoy and appreciate the fantastic wildlife and wild places St Agnes has to offer.

Friends of the Fowey Estuary was formed in 1999 to provide a focus for voluntary activities for the conservation of the Fowey Estuary.

Polzeath Marine Conservation Group is a volunteer group working to protect and conserve Polzeath and the wider marine environrment by raising awareness and educating the public. 

Looe Marine Conservation Group run a full programme of public events and recording including rock-pooling, public engagement events, wildlife walks, bird and mammal monitoring including seal recording trips.

Bude Marine Group work closely with Refill Bude and Greener Bude to run events and promote and engage the town with conservation and sustainability.

Newquay Marine Group is entirely run by volunteers covering the larger Newquay area and engaging with the locals and tourists about everything environmental. 

Three Bays Wildlife Group is newly formed and covers the south coast area of Charlestown to West Portholland its adjacent coastal waters and river catchment areas in-between

Seaquest Southwest a long-standing project that has historically relied on our volunteers and the general public sending Cornwall Wildlife Trust their records of sea sightings such as dolphins, whales and other marine wildlife. As a result, there has been a steady stream of data over the years which have given us a fantastic insight into our Cornish cetacean population.

Seasearch Cornwall The aim of Seasearch is to map the marine habitats and species found around our coast, and to use the information to identify sites of specific conservation concern. 

Your Shore Network is a project run by Cornwall Wildlife Trust to support and facilitate local marine conservation groups around Cornwall as well as encourage youth engagement with the marine environment.



Cornwall Geoconservation Group - this geological Group specialises in the geology and geomorphology of Cornwall. It is one of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust's many voluntary groups.


Local Districts

Bude Marsh and Valley Survey Group run quarterly transect walks where all species that can be identified are recorded. In addition, occasional local trips to other defined sites such as Tiscott Wood, Maer Lake and the Cornish Coast.

Caradon Field and Natural History Club studying and recording group for all wildlife within the boundaries of the Caradon District of Cornwall.

Friends of Churchtown Farm Community Reserve is a Cornwall Wildlife Trust local action group to enable community members to contribute to all aspects of the site's management and wildlife recording.

EcoSoc is a student led society based at Penryn Campus with a focus of all things wildlife and conservation. EcoSoc aim to get our members out and about in Cornwall, learning about the species it holds and helping to conserve them.

Launceston Area Parish Wildlife Group recording projects cover 18 local parishes in North Cornwall and focus on Launceston, which is an area of about 150 square miles. How rich is the wildlife in the Launceston area? How much is it under threat? Would you like to learn more about wildlife and help record the biodiversity in your parish?

Lizard Wildlife Watchpoint is run by National Trust staff and volunteers, it has been running through the Spring and Summer seasons since 2014 working with local schools and community groups, delivering a huge range of events in a stunning landscape.

Red River Rescuers a group of like-minded people who want to help increase the biodiversity of the Red River Valley Local Nature Reserve and other areas by managing swathes of this once heavily industrialised area to restore areas of habitat being encroached by succession species such as gorse and willow. The members of the group come from a wide variety of backgrounds and new members are always welcome! We are keen to record any species within the Red River catchment area to help our conservation efforts.

The Friends of the Tamar Valley was set up at the beginning of 2011 to support and promote the Tamar Valley in as many ways as was needed.

Treverbyn Wildlife Recording Group focusing within the Treverbyn Parish, St Austell working towards more wild places for both wildlife and public to enjoy. The Group is based at Treverbyn Community Hall.

Wild Roseland set up by locals to discover, conserve and enhance their special natural environment. They are prolific volunteers with a huge number of projects and surveys ongoing. 



CINNG is the Community Invasive Non-Native Group whose aim is to bring people and the environment together to improve the health and wellbeing of both. They are a Local Action Group based in Cornwall and working throughout South West England. CINNG raises awareness of the adverse impacts of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) on the natural environment and the ecosystem goods and services it provides. 

Cornwall Dunes Recording Group is a relatively new group set up to carry out surveys and regular monitoring on the dunes. They are closely linked with Friends of the Towans, though they are also active in other parts of the county.


If you would like your group to be added to this list, please Contact Us

Your Shore Conference 2018
Your Shore Conference 2018