Biodiversity data should be used to induce positive impacts on the natural environment and ERCCIS actively encourages monitoring and recording of species and habitats in order to provide environmental information for conservation purposes. Recorders should always avoid disturbing the species being recorded when at all possible and ERCCIS advocates special caution with regards to making records of all rare and/or sensitive species.
Many species whether rare, scarce or common, are vulnerable to interference and disturbance, although the impact on the conservation status of the less numerous species is greater. Please refer to Natural England's Protected Species Lists for a comprehensive list.
In order to minimise the possible impact of disturbance on all, but especially rare and/or sensitive species, records submitted to ORKS can be marked as sensitive and 'blurred' for public viewing using the field below in the Submit One Record form. This allows you to submit full record details but ensures that the resolution is reduced and the site name and grid reference are not visible on the public website.
Badger setts and bat roosts are considered particularly vulnerable, together with birds listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). We suggest that no records of these species in circumstances suggestive of breeding or potential breeding are publicised via ORKS during the breeding season (March- September) and instead please contact us directly.
If you are in doubt as to whether, or how, to record a species, then please contact our Wildlife Information Service via email or telephone (01872) 273939 ext 250.
ERCCIS will restrict the availability of wildlife information that it deems to be environmentally sensitive in nature. Where negative impacts are likely to occur as a result of displaying data, ERCCIS retains the right to withhold access to this data.