Alexanda Recorders Fund

Walter Alexanda Marsh

The Alexanda Recorders Fund was established in December 2015 in memory of Walter Alexanda Marsh by his daughter. 

During his lifetime Walter was passionate about wildlife dedicating much of his life to outdoor pursuits. He gained an initial understanding of the natural world while studying insects and butterflies in his father’s market garden. Later he was fortunate enough to spend a decade in Africa where he became even more aware of the impact people can have on their environment. After retirement Walter chose to live in Cornwall, one of his favourite counties. He was a keen member of a local wildlife group where, being particularly fond of wetlands, he liked nothing better than visiting Allet bog at Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s Five Acres nature reserve.

How to Apply and Eligibility

Overall aim of fund

To support biological recording and recorders in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Support structured monitoring in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The fund will make monies available to individuals and small wildlife conservation volunteer groups or charities recording wildlife and that will make their research and wildlife records available to The Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) and therefore the wider wildlife conservation sector.

Small grants scheme for individuals

Available to: Biological recorders or post graduate students who will make their research or records available to ERCCIS, larger wildlife or geology organisations.

What will be funded: Small personal expenses such as travel expenses, tools and equipment, attendance to relevant courses or conferences.

Typical individual grant value: Up to £500.

Process: Applications can made throughout the year by using the application form below. Applications will be considered on a monthly basis.

Payment: Cornwall Wildlife Trust will issue payment for grants when receipts proving expenditure by the grant recipient have been received.

Grants scheme for small wildlife groups

Available to: Small wildlife conservation volunteer groups and small charities with a turnover of less than £5,000 who will make their research or records available to ERCCIS and/or larger wildlife organisations and/or the general public.

What will be funded: for example essential tools and equipment for group use, group expenses such as training.

Typical grant value: Up to £1000.

Process: Applications can made throughout the year by using the application form below. Applications will be considered triannually at the ERCCIS advisory board meetings, although we will consider applications outside these deadline dates if required.

Payment: Cornwall Wildlife Trust prefers to issue payment for grants when receipts proving expenditure by the grant recipient have been received. However in certain circumstances payment may be made in advance.


Application Form

Download the Notes for Applicants